During the entirety of August, we will be celebrating St. Clare, one of St. Francis’ earliest followers, and the founder of the Poor Clare order of nuns. The name Clare means “light bearer” and whether you have a special connection to St. Clare, or no connection at all, we hope that you will find this 30-day series of short video reflections illuminating and inspiring.

Fr. Dan and Fr. Joe share what they admire about St. Clare
The final video in our series by the Franciscan Friars of St. Barbara Province’s Leadership Team/Definitorium features Fr. Dan and […]

Sr. Dawn Kling responds to change with hope and love
Sr. Dawn Kling, former Army air traffic controller and current Abbess of the Poor Clares in Duncan, British Columbia, shares how […]

St. Clare: Teenage Runaway
Many teenagers have run away from home, but few have run away so they can better follow the gospel. Gwyn […]

St. Clare, An Irresistible Light
Poor Clare Sister, Frances Teresa, provides a glimpse into the attraction people (including a pope!) felt toward St. Clare and […]

Fr. Tom and Fr. Anthony share what they admire about St. Clare
The fourth video in our series by the Franciscan Friars of St. Barbara Province’s Leadership Team/Definitorium features Fr. Tom and […]

No job is too small for St. Clare
Donna Foley, Secular Franciscan and former FST employee, shares a brief but telling account on how St. Clare helped a […]

Fr. Garrett and Fr. Bill share what they admire about St. Clare
The third video in our series by the Franciscan Friars of St. Barbara Province’s Leadership Team/Definitorium features Fr. Garrett and […]

A Holy Sisterhood via video chat
Reflecting on the correspondence between St. Clare and St. Agnes of Prague, Mercedes Mathews, Director of Retreats at MSLR, and […]

St. Clare, Fearless
Laura Chun, Secular Franciscan and MSLR community member, shares about an attack of Saracen mercenaries on Assisi and what St. […]

St. Clare’s Attraction to St. Frances
Sister Frances Teresa returns to help us understand the relationship between Sts. Francis and Clare. She also discusses Clare’s influence […]

Fr. Martin and Br. John share what they admire about St. Clare
The second video in our series by the Franciscan Friars of St. Barbara Province’s Leadership Team/Definitorium features Fr. Martin and […]

St. Clare’s Reaction to an Imperfect Church and Society
Sr. Frances Teresa Downing is a Poor Clare sister living in England. She is the author of six books about […]